The Edal are an alien race from the Warpmancer Universe. They make up the bulk forces of the primary antagonist, the Imperial Council. Edal culture features in the Devil Child Arc, starting with Godkiller.

At a Glance

Species Name: Edal

Species Archetype: Anthromorphic Mammal

Homeworld: Grelaz

Dominant Language: Edallic

Warpmancy Status: Naturally proficient

Dominant faction: All non-dissident Edal are citizens of the Imperial Council.

Biology and Appearance

Artist: Tolulope Adeojo

The Edal are anthromorphic mammals, evolving down a similar path to humans. Their ears are long, ranging between 5 to 10 inches from lobe to a pointed end. Edal exhibit a range of blue hues as skin colours. Their hair colours are diverse, ranging from what would be deemed naturally human pigments, to hues similar to their skin colour. Edal are typically taller than humans, ranging from 6 to 7 feet tall. While there are notable exceptions, a fast metabolism and active lifestyle have left most Edal with a thin physique.

Edal are mammals and reproduce in effectively the same manner as humans. Their harsh homeworld has given them an advanced immune system, making them natural space pioneers and settlers. Due to this, medical technology is not as advanced in Edal space, due to a lack of need. This heightened immune system has given the Edal a much greater natural life span, and life expectancy.


A beautiful, graceful people, focused on uniting the stars with fire and blood. Th Edal are a hardy race, with a dominant martial culture. Edal culture is very regimented, with authority being maintained through a variety of means. The core worlds are freer than the others, but are held together by a strict and well-oiled bureaucracy and thought-police. The outer planets are subjugated by a feudal system, designed to maximise production to feed the military machine.

Art, poetry, music and other aspects of culture are all formed to complement the war-machine. Stories commemorate battles, poetry glorifies war, and music is to inspire troops to action. Counter-cultural movements have not been successful in curbing this.

But many poets and philosophers have arisen throughout Edal history. Many of these have survived the strictly ultra-traditionalist hegemon, finding safe haven in the more tolerant Ulyx worlds.

Edal religion is more political than spiritual. The Martyrs, the Edallic gods, walk among them, so faith does not factor into the religion. Imperial doctrine is a codex of duties and restrictions as a citizen. Their religion is a dogma of being a good subject.

Politics and Government

The Edal are the founding race of the Imperial Council, founding it 10 000 cycles before the fall of Earth. In recent years, the government has stagnated, as the Martyrs and Councillors maintain control of the council across millennia.

The Imperial Council is a totalitarian theocracy, ruled by a bureaucracy called ‘the Council’ and godlike beings called ‘Martyrs’. Through overwhelming force, spiritual propaganda and terror, the Imperial Council has maintained power over huge tracts of the galaxy.

On the ground, Edal planets range between the core worlds, which run as well-oiled bureaucratic machines, and overtly oppressive feudal worlds, ruled by Warpmancer clans.

Fundamentally, like many other races, the Edal gained and maintained their power through the use of arms. The Edal soldier is legendary, being able to harness both Imperial discipline, advanced energy weaponry and Warpmancy. With their millennium old star fleets, they maintain and expand their power.


Earliest concept sketch of an Edal Warrior. This foot soldier would be stationed on a feudal Fringe World.

Grelaz, the Edal homeworld, is a harsh planet. Toxic plants are prevalent, the atmosphere is dense, the land is, by and large, infertile. Despite this, the Edal people persevered and, over a period lost in their history books, formed a civilisation. Like humanity, the Edal fought many wars. Unlike humanity, these wars were seldom condemned.

Warp crystals formed naturally on Grelaz, another source of danger, but also stimulating a natural proficiency in Warpmancy. Edal who mastered the art became rulers and warlords. Victory was determined by the greater Warpmancer, and their armies of Warp-tech armed troops.

Eventually, an Edal emperor united the disparate Edal empires. While wars were fought by warlords to secure crystal deposits, this emperor formed an alliance of warlords, subsequently betraying them in order to reign supreme.

With the planet united, the Edal war-scientists developed means to go off-world. With the Edal population growing, and not being kept in check by violence, the race needed new homes. With a natural affinity for pioneership, and a hardy physiology, the Edal spread across the stars. From this occupation of planets across the galaxy actually came the name ‘Edal’. Initially, the only name of their species was ‘al’ – meaning ‘all of us’. Edal was coined by the emperor, allegedly, and meant ‘Star People’.

The Star People formed the Star Horde, the emperor’s flagship fleet. Nothing could stop their expansion, as they conquered and purged alien species on many of the planets they discovered. Until they met the Ulyx.

The Ulyx were the calmer side of the Edallic passion. After a short stalemate, the Edal and Ulyx merged into the Imperial Council. With the Ulyx’s own grasp of Warpmancy, and their cold calculation, they struck a deal with the Edal, slowing down the occupation and solidifying the Imperia.

Now, the Edal still expands, but with their violence tempered by the logic of the Ulyx. The Imperial Council still grows, but with much more purpose and control than before. For now.

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