The Prince and Modern Politics
The value of Machiavelli’s The Prince can be construed in a number of ways - prominently, in the practical application of its advice, its...
Offensive Realism and the rise of China
In his article, Mearsheimer (2006) argues that China’s attempts to gain power as a nation-state will spur the United States into action against them...
Do states have permanent interests?
Everything is in flux. As Gartzke and Weisiger (2013) argue, change is constant, but it isn’t a constant (Gartzke & Weisiger, 2013: 2). The...
Comparing Leo Straus and Wendy Brown’s Political Philosophy
Leo Strauss and Wendy Brown both wrote on the topic of politics at vastly different times. Strauss wrote much earlier, publishing the article in...
Common Causes of State Collapse in Africa
State collapse has been a prevalent and dangerous phenomenon throughout the world, but never so much as in Africa. This literature review will be...
Does the Lord’s Resistance Army use Terror?
The Lord’s Resistance Army (henceforth: LRA) uses a combination of terror and unconventional warfare in its operations. This paper will show how this terror...
ICC and Africa: Costs and Benefits of Withdrawal
Costs and Benefits Analysis
a) Benefits
African Solutions to African problems
III. Reconciliation
African Union
Effects of Electoral Systems on the Influence of Radical Political Parties
An examination of the effects of electoral systems on the growth and influence of radical political parties can be used to predict the possible...