Legends of the Cataclysm Launches with Blood Veil Preview

This last weekend, I launched a surprise book. Legends of the Cataclysm is an anthology containing 13 of my Warpmancer and Katverse short stories, plus two miscellaneous stories. But not just that. I’ve included the first eight chapters of Beyond the Blood Veil to the anthology.

That means that you eager beavers who’ve read the four-chapter reader magnet can finally continue the story. And it means that everyone can get a sneak peek into what Beyond the Blood Veil has in store for them come its 2025 release date.

You can get your copy of Legends of the Cataclysm on Amazon. And its free on Kindle Unlimited.

In puppy news, Pippin is adjusting well. And where there’s hiccups, it’s more because of us. Mostly. Potty training is going well. Even if it means less sleep to ensure there are no night-time accidents. The cat/dog relations front is a different story, with Pippin showing far too much eagerness for Mango’s liking, but the kitty still being curious about his new sibling.

I’ll keep you updated!

Until then…

The Hunt Continues!

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