Gender Relations in South Eastern Nigeria production

Economies and agrarian systems evolve due to a myriad of factors. Gender relations are often a product of economic systems and a contributing factor themselves. This essay will outline Susan Martin’s argument of how gender relations affected production in South Eastern Nigeria. This will be done by examining the methods of production in regards to …

Perspectives of underdevelopment in Africa

Africa’s relative lack of development has been cause for much debate over the historical factors that have led to their economic status. This essay will be contrasting two views on the matter: the dependency theory of Walter Rodney and the views of Jean-François Bayart and Stephen Ellis. The essay will accomplish this, firstly through outlining …

Comparing Developmental Paths in East Asia, Latin America and Africa

During the 20th century, nations from the regions of East Asia, Latin America and Africa all sought to become globally competitive through industrialisation. Some, like the East Asian Tigers, succeeded while others experienced tumultuous results (Latin America) or did not achieve development at all (Africa). This essay will be comparing each region and their general …

Cash-cropping and Economic Growth in Africa

For many African states, cash cropping is a major livelihood and prime source of income. Despite this importance, the industry has not achieved long term growth in a number of African economies. Many cash cropping contexts have succeeded and grown rapidly in the past, but a multitude of these, such as starch exports, have since …

Common Causes of State Collapse in Africa

State collapse has been a prevalent and dangerous phenomenon throughout the world, but never so much as in Africa. This literature review will be outlining theories revolving around the question of if there are common causes of state collapse in Africa. In examining common causes of state collapse in Africa, we can begin to understand …

ICC and Africa: Costs and Benefits of Withdrawal

Introduction Background Costs and Benefits Analysis a) Benefits Sovereignty African Solutions to African problems III.     Reconciliation Neo-Colonialism African Union b) Costs Transnational judicial infrastructure Impunity and Atrocity III.     Legal Legitimacy Eliminating a Last Resort c) In Conclusion: Should African states withdraw? Conclusion References  Introduction What would be the costs and benefits, for African states, of …

Imperial Fatigue and the Disruption of African Colonialism during WW1

Abstract Despite British and European colonialism only truly dissipating after World War 2, the Great War did see European colonialism and empire weaken dramatically on the African continent. This is due to a concept called Imperial fatigue, whereby the war cost the European belligerents in terms of the finances needed to maintain Empire and the …