Home Non-Fiction Philosophy


My philosophy essays and articles. Some of the articles may no longer represent my current views and exist here as a record.

Social Isolation and Evil in Camus’ The Plague 

The Plague (Originally called: La Peste) was written by Albert Camus (1913-1960) and originally published in 1947. The story, written as a chronicle by...

Plato’s Condemnation of Rhetoric in Gorgias

Plato in his Gorgias seeks to accomplish multiple tasks. This essay will be focusing on the first, that being the condemnation of rhetoric and...

Moral Epistemology – can we ground moral knowledge?

Moral epistemology is concerned, like epistemology, with the justification of beliefs. In particular - moral beliefs. Unlike many beliefs, moral beliefs are not cognitively...

Comparing Leo Straus and Wendy Brown’s Political Philosophy

Leo Strauss and Wendy Brown both wrote on the topic of politics at vastly different times. Strauss wrote much earlier, publishing the article in...

Defending Deontological Egoism

Ethical egoism is typically regarded with disdain and often rejected in ethicist circles. Some ethicists have attempted to reform the philosophy into a more...

The Cogito Ergo Sum: An Introduction

In his First Meditation, Descartes sought to eliminate all beliefs that he held in an effort to seek certain knowledge. With the Dreaming Argument,...

Identity, Memory and Virtual-Reality in PT Logos’ Warnings from the Future

(Featured Image found here https://davidjrodger.wordpress.com/) Major Spoilers for Science Fiction Short Stories: Warnings from the Future, Cyberpunk Series I by PT Logos Good science fiction presents speculation and evokes questions....