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A series of essays and articles from my days in academia. Many of these essays were written in response to a question and some of them no longer represent my current views.

Effects of Electoral Systems on the Influence of Radical Political Parties

An examination of the effects of electoral systems on the growth and influence of radical political parties can be used to predict the possible...

Gender Relations in South Eastern Nigeria production

Economies and agrarian systems evolve due to a myriad of factors. Gender relations are often a product of economic systems and a contributing factor...

State did not help Japan grow: Post-WW2

While the role of state intervention and planning in the post-WW2 economy of Japan was influential, the successful development of the country cannot wholly...

Comparing Developmental Paths in East Asia, Latin America and Africa

During the 20th century, nations from the regions of East Asia, Latin America and Africa all sought to become globally competitive through industrialisation. Some,...

How to analyse the Chinese Famine

The Chinese Famine, despite much research and study, still confuses many. For two decades, the Chinese state covered it up. Even now, researchers must...

Rudyard Kipling and Orientalism

Kipling (1865-1936) is often seen as an Orientalist writer, a branch of arts and literature condemned for its imitation of Eastern life in order...

Machiavelli’s The Prince Today

Machiavelli’s The Prince has risen to become one of history’s most controversial books. Its contents are, no doubt, seen as immoral to our modern...

Identity, Memory and Virtual-Reality in PT Logos’ Warnings from the Future

(Featured Image found here https://davidjrodger.wordpress.com/) Major Spoilers for Science Fiction Short Stories: Warnings from the Future, Cyberpunk Series I by PT Logos Good science fiction presents speculation and evokes questions....

Offensive Realism and the rise of China

In his article, Mearsheimer (2006) argues that China’s attempts to gain power as a nation-state will spur the United States into action against them...

Indian IT, the Bangalore Cluster and Catching Up

India was a latecomer to industrialisation but has since become a major economic power, notably in the ICT-related service industry. This essay will be...