2023: Getting Back on Track

If you follow me on social media or are subscribed to my newsletter, you may have read about my plans to delay the release of the final Kat Drummond book, The Titan Awakes, so I could finish a non-fiction book. I discussed this briefly in my previous post on my plans for 2023, which this article is now amending.

Because, in proper Nicholas fashion, I’m changing the plan again. I know, I know. This is getting ridiculous. But please hear me out!

I did some intense soul searching and thinking over the last few days to analyse if this non-fiction book (on the topic of South African history and politics) was worth my time, and worth devoting a large chunk of 2023. I researched the market again, what writing and selling the book would require of me, and my genuine passion for the project.

I finally determined that I would rather not pursue this project.

Jobs and projects all need to be judged with three factors. Interest, capability, and if it can actually make money.

2023 Passion Skill Income Venn Diagram

I was initially passionate about this project, but as it became work, that passion faded. And while I have people who are convinced that I am capable of writing such a book, I am not certain that I am. It’s a lot of work, and I haven’t done this much research work since university.

And, finally, money.

History books are already a hard market. But selling to a solely South African audience makes this an almost insurmountable task. South Africa’s reading population is tiny and reads primarily print books – meaning I would have to put up capital to print a load of books that I’d then need to effectively make distribution and sales my full-time job just to break even.

This project wasn’t going to make money. And getting it to a point where it would become viable would take up all my time at the expense of the Katverse and my fiction writing.

A part of me wanted to continue this project so I wouldn’t let anyone down. But I realised that I was letting more people down by delaying the Kat Drummond Series further. And as this non-fiction project was still in its early stages, I don’t think I’m truly letting anyone down by abandoning it.

I’d rather devote my time to something I’m passionate about, know I can write adequately, and that I know can make money.

Another aspect of my decision is a recollection of a consistent habit I’ve had since I started working in earnest in 2018. Every year since I graduated, I’ve wasted the first half of the year on irrelevant projects that haven’t gone anywhere.

In 2018, I wasted the first half of the year writing for a crypto project that fizzled out. I then thought up the Kat Drummond Series and began writing it at the end of the year.

In 2019, I wasted the first of half of the year pursuing a post-graduate degree that ended up being a waste of time. Fortunately, I was able to get back in the saddle and release Part-Time Monster Hunter in October of that year.

2020 was a blur of de-motivation due to lockdown. 2021: I ended up working for most of the year as a social media manager before quitting to get back to writing. In 2022, I wasted most of the year trying to rewrite and continue my sci-fi series. That was a bust.

And now, 2023…

I feel I almost made the same mistake again. Throwing away the first half of the year on side projects when I should be focusing on what I enjoy, know I can do, and what actually contributes to my business. The Katverse.

The Titan Awakes Kat Drummond Book 16 Cover

So, no more wasting time.

Starting today, I’m re-reading Werewolves & Wizardry, The Last Light and Shadow Realm, and then I’m going to plan, outline and write The Titan Awakes. I’m aiming for a late March release but it may end up being a long one, so expect April instead.

After that, I will be jumping straight into the Cindy Giles Trilogy, which already has all its covers ready for its release. And time willing, I may even begin the Conrad Khoi Series near the end of this year.

I’m super excited to get back into my domain and hope to see you there battling alongside Kat at the final battle for Hope City!

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